
The Real Woman and her purpose 4

pexels-photo-89820Dear Woman, by now, I believe you would have understood the difference between being successful and being fulfilled. You can be successful and yet unfulfilled. Your ambition can bring you success, only purpose brings one fulfillment. Trust me, there is nothing as good as being at the centre of God’s will for your life. That is where true fulfilment lies. Your ambition or what I’ld rather call platforms is always centred around YOU, but your purpose is centred on OTHERS.

Marriage in itself is beautiful, but it can never be your ultimate purpose. Esther’s ultimate purpose was not to become a queen but to save her people. Her marriage was a platform to fulfill her main purpose. In marriage, what keeps spouses together in latter times is not always love as many presume, when the ‘lovey dovey’ is no longer there, purpose is the third cord that will keep you in it if it brought you together in the first place. The regret many people have in marriage later in life was if they had known their purpose, it would have influenced their choices. Knowing your purpose defines who to marry. Marriage plays a lot of role in the fulfillment of your vision.

Your purpose will never be about you, it is God at work in you FOR OTHERS. If it’s about you, then it’s only an ambition but if it’s about others, Go ahead and call it a purpose or vision. For example, Jesus didn’t come to die for Himself but for the world. Joseph didn’t become a prime minister for fame or ambition, but to preserve the life of others. Genesis 45:5b- for God sent me before you to preserve life.

For every purpose there is a timing, after you have discovered the specific, you need to have an understanding of times and seasons. Ecclesiastes 3:1- To everything, there is a season, A TIME FOR EVERY PURPOSE UNDER HEAVEN.

Purposeful people understand when to pray, when to start, their target audience, how to live their lives. If you would become a voice of something, you would prepare in that direction. You must understand the season of preparation and of manifestations. Many want to manifest when they have not been prepared. Your manifestation is as good as your preparation. You ought to know what to do per time. Genuine purpose are birthed in the secret place, if not, we will hear the sound for a while and it will fade off in no time. You don’t sit to manifest, you prepare towards manifestation. Ask yourself if you know where you are going already, how much have I prepared in this direction? Do you even set time aside everyday to pray for this vision or you only assume, it will by itself come to pass. The first 30 years Jesus lived, much was not written about it, but I am sure, He was preparing for the three and half  years that defined His purpose.

How did I know this, when the devil came tempting Him, He kept on replying, ‘ FOR IT IS WRITTEN….’ Don’t forget there was no superhuman energy to quote what He didn’t know, because The Jesus in human form was 100% man, it wasn’t an angel that revealed to him what was written, HE HAD BEEN STUDYING! At age 12, He was found in the temple among teachers listening and asking questions(Luke 2:41-46), I believe that was constant in His first thirty years. Woman,don’t assume, PREPARE!stock-photo-running-runner-woman-stretching-leg-muscle-preparing-for-sunset-trail-run-in-outdoor-summer-nature-425420116

To say, you don’t have a purpose is to conclude God is purposeless. God forbid! God is not reactive, He is proactive. He already preordained you for a purpose. Perhaps you have been praying and you have not figured the specific yet, it’s probably because you don’t know how to pick signals in the spirit, my next post will be centred on how the spirit leads us. Don’t seek voices in order to hear God, if you do, you will hear strange ones. The Real you can be led.

If you followed this series, I have established that the real you is not your body or your soul, but YOUR SPIRIT. The Real Woman is A SPIRIT. Why? If you are born of God, you look exactly like Him, God is a Spirit(John4:24) so, if He will communicate with you,it is with your spirit not your soul.

The Real Woman can be led( Romans 8:14- as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God). God leads us through His Spirit that dwells in our innermost being (spirit). How do I know the leading of the Spirit? This and loads of other questions will be answered in the next post. Don’t forget The Real You is your spirit. Much love…

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