In the right atmosphere of leadership, a woman flourishes, agreement in vision hastens its fulfillment, especially when two are involved.
As a man,whatever the vision God has given you,share with your spouse,so she can agree with you and both of you would walk on the same page.
Abraham was well known as the father of faith, Sarah too was one of icons of faith mentioned in Hebrews but her faith in God was traceable to her husband.
The times God had spoken to Abraham about him having a son,Sarah wasn’t there,Abraham probably forgot to relate God’s promises to her,that could have been reason she suggested Hagar to him. When a woman is not on the same page with her husband in terms of visions and aspirations, devil can can creep in through her.
Heb 11:11-12- By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she wa past the age,because she JUDGED HIM FAITHFUL WHO HAD promised.
Throughout Genesis,there was never a time recorded that
Sarah walked by faith. In order for her to be on the same page with Abraham, God had to visit them and said it in her ears(Gen 18)because Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.For the promise of God to come to pass,Sarah had to be in faith by hearing also,but instead of believing at first,she doubted.
There must have been a time,after she heard,though she doubted ,that she started walking in faith,how was her faith built in the promise of God? How did she judge God faithful?
Romans 4:16-21….who(Abraham) contrary to hope believed in hope, so that he became the father of many nations according to what was spoken….and not being weak in faith, HE DID NOT CONSIDER HIS OWN BODY ALREADY DEAD….AND THE DEADNESS OF SARAH’s WOMB….he was strengthened in faith,giving glory to God,and being FULLY CONVINCED THAT WHAT HE HAD PROMISED,HE WAS ALSO ABLE TO PERFORM.
This means Sarah watched her husband’s faith,his confession,she saw HIS ASSURANCE in God’ promises,she saw how Abraham constantly gave thanks for what they were yet to see,she constantly heard Abraham’ sconfessions and testimonies of God;s faithfulness,this was how Sarah’s faith gained a quantum leap and received strength to conceive .Though she started in doubt,she ended in faith.
Woman, pray that your husband walk always in alignment with God’s will,when he does,your own alignment with it can speed up the process and your family would enjoy quicker results. Christ is the head of man,Man is the head of the woman.
When the head (husband) is correct, every other thing will be correct.
In the right atmosphere of leadership, a woman flourishes and shines.
- #TheCompleteWOMAN
Emergence into the fullness of God’ beauty