2Corinthians 5:17: if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY, behold all things have become new.
A new creation has no past in God because it was blotted out. Your former nature was crucified with Christ and a new you emerged with Christ when He resurrected.
Many Christians, after they get born again, still struggle with experiences from the past. Devil brings guilt and condemnation from the past, due to ignorance of your identity in Christ, you then submit to depression.
He reminds you of your old addictions, how you messed up in the past, he tries to convince you, that you do not deserve the best of God right now. Then, you go ahead to embrace his lies and result in depression.

Talking about a bad past, Apostle Paul had the most ugly past. He was a murderer, persecutor, blasphemer (yours could be abortion, abuse, sexual addictions) yet when he was born again, he said, ‘I have wronged no one’ and I’m like Uncle Paul, hol’ up! Let me open Acts 8:1: Now Saul was consenting to his death….verse 3: As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison. What happened to this past sins? So here was the same person in 2Corinthians 7:2 saying ‘we have wronged no one’. In context, he was right but in the human sense, he wasn’t. He had wronged several people in his past but the blood of Jesus had blotted it all out so he had boldness to say none of those things existed anymore!
He no longer identified with his past but the reality of His redemption in Christ. He identified that his old man (the sin nature) had been crucified with Christ(Romans 6:6), Gal 2:20, he identified that he was a new creation in Christ, and there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. He identified that he was the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

How to live victoriously over the lies of the enemy is by daily acknowledging who you are in Christ. Your faith becomes active this way, your mind should be filled with this consciousness of the truth that is already in your spirit.
Being in Christ is not a theological lesson, it is the reality of redemption. It is your new address, your stance before the father. Your new identity.
Your mind is where the number one battle is fought. Satan knows if he can capture your thought life, he has won a great victory. Therefore the first place the devil is going to attack is your mind. As a matter of fact, he brings thoughts and suggestions to you. I like the way Kenneth Hagin said it: just because Satan brings thoughts to your mind doesn’t mean they are sins.
Every believer is above condemnation. Don’t let the devil bring you under it, you ought to live above it!
When the devil introduces thoughts of guilt into your mind, don’t accept it. Your response to it is a reflection of what is in your consciousness. If you are not conscious of who you are in Christ, you will submit to condemnation and depression. If you are, you will scream at him and say, devil, the person you are talking about no longer lives here! He died with Christ two thousand years ago. A new man lives here, one who lives above condemnation, one whose past has been blotted out by the blood. You have to daily renew your mind with the word, meditate and confess your identity in Christ till it powers your consciousness.
If you allow the memory of your past to continue, it is just as bad as if those things were still there. If you keep thinking about it, the impact is just as if it had happened again.
The old person you used to be is dead, it was crucified with Christ. You might as well forget the past. Read the previous post in the series at Dealing With The Past (1)