A smile's thebest accessory (6)

HIM ALONE 8- Build and Keep

Isaiah 51:2–looking unto Abraham and unto Sarah…

Women are not just Home builders,they are also Home Keepers.
A wise woman builds her home,a wiser woman keeps it.
Paul charged Titus to admonish older women to teach young women to be Home Keepers.
The Husband is the head of the woman,the woman is the head of the home( with the authority of her husband of course).
Woman,it is your duty to take charge of your household affairs,the man is expected to lead spiritually, the woman takes the leadership naturally, there are many things a man would never observe in the home,it takes a woman to notice.

Although Abraham led the household in Spiritual matters,he allowed his wife handled the natural ones.
Gen 18:19- for I have known him(Abraham), in order that he may command his cCHILDREN and HOUSEHOLD after him,that they may keep the way of the Lord,to do righteousness and justice…..
He allowed Sarah to handle Hagai when she misbehaved twice.
Gen 16:6- So Abram said to Sarai,indeed YOUR MAID is in YOUR HAND,do to her as you please.
Even God had to reprimand Hagai for misbehaving, MY GOD IS BIG ON SUBMISSION!!!
Gen 16:9- The Angel of the Lord said to her(Hagar),Return to your mistress and SUBMIT YOURSELF UNDER HER HAND.
Gen 21:10- Therefore she said to Abraham, Cast out this bond woman an her son for the Son of this bondwoman shall not b heir with my son….
Verse 12- But God said to Abraham…..whatever Sarah has said to you,listen to her voice,for in Isaac your seed shall be called.

Bible says concerning the Proverb 31 woman,that she looks well to how things go in HER HOUSEHOLD,( prov 31:27 AMP), infact she was in charge of the natural affairs in her home with wisdom.

Sarah handled her maid to keep her house in order with the permission of her husband and God sided with her those two times.Women do not watch what you have built to destroy, Keep it from vultures,Build your home with wisdom,keep it with sense.

-watch out for The Complete Woman Conference 2017

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