
Him Alone Series One

Isaiah 51:2-Look unto Abraham your father and unto Sarah that bore you; For I Called HIM ALONE and blessed him and Increased him.

Many have misinterpreted the phrase ‘HIM ALONE’ to the fact that God was talking about Abraham alone( Sarah non inclusive) .Nah!
The phrase ‘HIM ALONE’ in Hebrew means ECHAD,it has the same meaning as the word ‘ONE’ Gen 2:21- And the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took ONE of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead.
It also has the same meaning as ONE used in Gen 2:24- Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be ONE flesh.

HIM ALONE was referring to Abraham and Sarah being one.Before God a husband and wife are no longer two but one.
Women,God won’t bless you apart from your husband. There is no such thing as God bless me,dont bless my husband.

To enjoy the blessings of God in your marriage, you have to walk in agreement with your husband. God respects Order and oneness in marriage.He Constituted it,He would never go against it,so stop asking God for the wrong things.
Amos 3:3- Can two walk together unless THEY AGREE?

You must agree with your husband in SUBMISSION And HONOUR…
Women,we shall be looking Unto Sarah under these two things.Stay tuned and watch out….to be continued.

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