Hello woman,you can be a 21st century bride but there is no such thing as a 21st century wife. Submission is God’s standard for every woman,no revolution would change that.
We are looking unto Sarah ( our mother)~~ Isaiah 51:12. Although she lived way long under the Covenant, bible still referred to her as an epitome of submission for a new testamental woman.
1peter 3:1-6- Wives,likewise be SUBMISSIVE to your own husbands,that even if some do not obey the word,they WITHOUT A WORD,may be won by THE CONDUCT of their wives…..what matters is not your outer appearance -the styling of your hair,the jewelry you wear,the cut of you clothes- but your Inner disposition.
Cultivate inner beauty,the gentle,gracious kind that God delights in.
For in this manner,in former times,the Holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, BEING SUBMISSIVE TO THEIR OWN HUSBANDS
AS SARAH OBEYED ABRAHAM,calling him Lord,whose daughters you are If you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
Submission is formed from SUB which means under and MISSION .submission is bringing yourself under a vision,acknowleding an authority over you, obedience, loyalty etc
The true test of submission is when your opinions are not accepted,or ur view is disregarded.Would you still acknowledge your man as your Lord and allow him to take the lead?
Twice Abraham told Sarah to lie about her identity as being a sister and not his wife. This is like subjecting your woman to sexual abuse because he wanted to protect himself.Bible didn’t record that Sarah argued or despised Abraham, she just followed (what women do for Love).
God saved her on those two occasions because she obeyed.A man is the head of the woman,Christ is the head of a man,when you respect the authority of your husband, God would honour His Word in your life.
Even when you seem to be on the right course and your husband isn’t, argument or disobedience is not the way to make him understand or win him over, first submit and the pray to God to reveal the right to Him.God honours and respect order(1cor14:40).
Bible says SUBMISSION is a Conduct, A force that is beyond words,when you honour the Lord and submit to your own husband, Christ would take His place by bringing your man under the submission of His own will.
Women,Learn to win by your conduct and not your words.
N.B- this is not a principle for single ladies, if your so called boyfriend or fiance tells you to sleep with another man or date a guy in order to rob him of his money or do shady things in other to protect himself,lady,you are on your own,God does not guarantee such protection he gave Sarah in this scenario (1 cor 7:32-….an unmarried woman cares for the things of the Lord)..Your submission as a single Lady is unto the Lord, stay in obedience to all of God’ instructions. To be continued…