

Gen 18:19- for I have known him(Abraham), in order that he may COMMAND HIS CHILDREN And his HOUSEHOLD after him that they keep the way of the Lord….

When Abraham interceded for the righteous dwelling in Sodom and Gomorrhah,I’ve always asked,why did Abraham start with 50 and ended with 10(Gen 18:16-33)
Why didn’t he petition for 5 or stop at 3. You see,Lot(Abraham’s nephew) was also dwelling in Sodom at this time, he chose the land after he was asked to separate from Abraham to avoid strife.

When Lot left for Sodom,he left with flocks, herds and tents,so he definitely had herdsmen and servants that went with him(Gen 13:7,12)
In Sodom,he got married and had two daughters who also go married,.He also had herdsmen,probably other trained servants as Abraham did.But none of the household of Lot believed except him.

So while Abraham interceded for Sodom,he probably expected that Lot would have taught his household the way of the Lord like he did,so he started from 50, to 45, to 40, to 30, to 20 and then 10. Oh what a failure on uncle Lot’s part.

He had flocks but not a bit of influence on his own household, if Uncle Lot had probably taught 10 of his own men the way of the Lord,he could have saved the whole city of Sodom from destruction. He could not even convince his own Sons in-law…(Gen 19:14- so Lot went out and spoke to his sons in-law who had married his daughters and said get up,get out of the place,for the Lord will destroy this city,but to his sons in- law he seemed to be joking)….I really don’t blame these guys,they probably had not heard uncle Lot taught them about God before and how to reverence Him. Even his own wife disobeyed the instructions of the Angels not to look back.Uncle Lot had probably not taught her ‘how to fear the Lord’ and obey Him.
The nation’s problem is leadership problem, if families get it right,the community will and of course the nation.

Every man or head of a home owe it to God to train and bring up his children and HOUSEHOLD in the way of the Lord.Joshua said,”as for me AND MY HOUSE”, we shall serve the Lord. God is counting on you in that family,that was why He placed you there.You are not in that environment by accident, please influence them positively
Save a family,Save a nation.

#rightleadership #influence #Godseekers #Lightforimpact

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