The greatest mistake Uncle Lot ever made was not disconnecting from training but disconnecting from THE BLESSING.
Heb 6:12 says…..follow those who through faith and Patience obtained the promise.
God never made any promise to Lot,but unto Abraham, by reason of association, Lot became blessed,by reason of disconnection, he lost all.In Gen 13:6,His possession was so great(when he was still with Abraham) but in Gen 19,he had lost all.(just few chapters afterwards ) .
Jacob,who also carried The Blessing was with uncle Laban for long,Laban was smart enough( though cunny) to keep Jacob closer because he knew he was blessed on account of his association with him.
Gen 30:27- And Laban said to him,If I have found favour in your sight,I pray you do not go FOR I HAVE LEARNED BY EXPERIENCE AND FROM OMENS IN DIVINATION that THE LORD HAS FAVOURED ME WITH BLESSING ON YOUR ACCOUNT.
Everyone God has positioned to pass unto you all that you need,follow them,follow them,keep following, follow until you are named Follow follow.
It was only a matter of time,Elisha could exhibit the same and even greater power than Elijah had.
Don’t think you have arrived,there is still so much to learn.
In humility, submit under every from of training and process God has brought you into.Do not leave until God says otherwise.
In the right atmosphere of leadership, you will flourish.
#rightleadership #influence #submission #followership #Lot’s diary #finaletommorrow