
LOT’S DIARY 6-(Finale)

Another great mistake uncle Lot made was to choose his own inheritance. Yes,there was strife among the herdsmen of Abram and Lot,so Abram suggested that Lot should separate himself,

Separation was not a bad idea,but asking him to choose was just a bait. Wisdom makes you discern an advice from an instruction. If Lot was wiser,he shouldn’t have separated and even if he was going to,he should allowed Abraham choose for him. why? Good elders are great leaders,they know more,they see better,the promise was made unto them, Lot was perhaps already eager to leave before,when Abram asked him to choose,he saw that as an opportunity and chose wrongly.
Gen 13:11- Then LOT CHOSE FOR HIMSELF all the Jordan. valley and he travelled east.So they seperated.

As far as I am concerned,uncle Lot had a bad eyes in choosing, he chose a land that was eventually destroyed, he lost all, when the Angels of the Lord brought him out of Sodom, they instructed him to go to the mountain but this man still chose to go somewhere else,just so wrong an habit.
Gen 19:17-22- and when they had brought them forth,they said…….escape to the mountains of Moab lest you be consumed. And Lot said to them,Oh, not that my Lords!….see now yonder city,it is near enough to flee to and it is a little one,let me escape to it….

He later yielded though out of fear but it only showed his bad eyes for choosing and neglecting instructions.(Gen 19:30).
You don’t choose your inheritance, you align and position yourself for it.

A right leader might not choose for you but can influence you to choose wisely.I have seen this a lot in marital decisions young folks make, blinded by the so called love,they choose wrongly, but a good leader can see the mistakes and error your blindness have overlooked, this influences you to make right and absolutely perfect decisions.

Elijah was about to be taken,he asked Elisha to wait, but Elisha insisted,he would follow ( Smart guy!)
2kings 2:2-…..As the Lord leaves and as your soul lives, I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU…..
This happened like three times,but we all know end of Elisha,it was better than his beginning.

Right leadership and correct alignment with it is what brings out the best in you.The two must be coherent. A good follower eventually becomes a better leader.

I almost forgot Ruth that was asked by her own mother in law to dissociate,but also insisted on following, we all know the end of Ruth was FAR BETTER than her beginning. She ended up in the genealogy of our Lord Jesus. What an honour to follow…
Ruth 1:16 and Ruth said,URGE ME NOT TO LEAVE YOU OR TURN BACK FROM FOLLOWING YOU….for where you go I will go…….
You can take time to study the book of Ruth,it is a very short one.

Right alignment makes the best out of you and also brings out the best in you.When you follow,th blessing doesn’t just rub off on you,it work for you and in you.

I have been following, I am a follower and I will continue to follow….
I am sure you were blessed,you can also read the previous post on the Lot’s diary.

#rightleadership #rightfollowership #alignment #Lot’sdiary #TheEnd

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