
Ministry 101

Dear young minister, (Calm down! It’s a parallel counsel??)

Matthew 4:23-25: Now Jesus WENT ABOUT all Galilee, TEACHING in their synagogues, PREACHING THE GOSPEL of the kingdom, and HEALING all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.

Then HIS FAME WENT THROUGHOUT ALL SYRIA; and THEY BROUGHT TO HIM all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics and paralytics; and He healed them.

And GREAT MULTITUDES FOLLOWED HIM- from Galilee and from Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and beyond Jordan.
All emphasis in the above scriptures are mine and this is what the post is all about.
1. Jesus went about TEACHING AND PREACHING. Your primary assignment is to teach and preach. Desire the miraculous also but understand that ministry is built on the word not giftings.

2. His fame went throughout all Syria. It is a pity that the first focus of young ministers in this dispensation is fame. Fame in itself is a good thing, if it is Christ-centred.
The reason God will command the miraculous through you, is for more to come to Christ. The reason many don’t walk in this dimension yet is probably because they have not built the capacity to sustain it. The miraculous should lead men to Christ, not you.

How to know if you have built this capacity is when you are able to say like Peter in Acts 3: ‘Men of Isreal, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us as though by OUR OWN POWER or godliness we had made this man walk…….And His name, through faith in His name has made this man strong’

3. GREAT MULTITUDE FOLLOWED HIM:  After fame, followership is always the next big thing people look out for in ministry especially when they are just starting out.
You don’t need to deceive people out of their ministries so they can join yours, you don’t lobby for platforms so you can divert another minister’s congregation to yours all in the name of compulsory followership. Calm down!

When people see results in your life, they will yield themselves willingly to the fulfillment of your vision. In following people, scripture says to consider the end of  their conversation.  Meaning, a certain level of the things you have handled will command followership in your ministry. I am not talking about instagram or facebook followers ooo?.

The only people Christ COMMANDED to follow him were the twelve disciples and he even gave them opportunity to leave at some point, showing that He didn’t lord it over them.
Apostle Paul also COMMANDED AND URGED  the churches he planted and people he established in faith to follow him. The people he had groomed in the word and in the Spirit. It is our responsibility to follow those who through faith and patience obtained the promise.
Your primary assignment is to teach and preach, work the miraculous and watch God give wings to that vision. Fame will come, followership will follow.

Galilee was a central town, bounded on the North by Syria, on the East by Jordan, on the west By Tidon and on the South by Samaria. Jesus was at this central point, and his fame went round  these places, He had never been. It was a global fame, not a local one. Decapolis alone was ten cities in one. Holy Spirit will give wings to your teachings.

4.   In the next chapter, Matthew 5:1, when Jesus saw multitudes came to Him, he didn’t see it as an opportunity to raise an offering?, He just preached more! It was recorded as his longest message. If your motive for desiring multitude or followership in ministry is money, you need to circumcise your appetite.

Stay faithful in your assignment, and when the fame comes, don’t forget that it is to point men to Christ.

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