If you have not read my first camp experience, please kindly follow this link : My Camp Experience 1
I spoke about prayer being our first line of action in everything. People wonder how we were able to make a great impact in Kwara State in just 1year and 7 months since The God Seekers started (The God Seekers is a teaching ministry the Lord told me to start in Ilorin, The Complete Woman is an offshoot of this ministry). I have lost count of the souls that have been saved, lives that have been imparted. But do you know the secret? Intercessory prayers.
In May 2016, the Lord gave us a mandate to begin an intercessory vigil for that city. We would gather monthly to pray for the state, her leaders, ministries, ministers and unbelievers. I can’t begin to number the beautiful prophecies that have gone ahead that city. The change is so evident now. We had several outreaches, the last one over 70 people got saved. It’s the power of prayer that made all this happened. We had laboured and we are still labouring.
1Timothy 2:1-4 is clear, for salvation and great impact in any city or country, prayer must be the first line of action. This is the will of God. The prayer of the righteous indeed avails much.
I went to camp with just 3000 naira for upkeep, with some little change not up to a thousand naira. Who does that? Believe me, I would have loved to go with more but there was nothing. I remember mum called me several times to ask how I was fairing, knowing I had so little with me. I kept on saying ‘THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I SHALL NOT WANT’.
It’s easier to say you have faith when your account is full but when there is nothing, do you put the faith to work? So here I was in a strange environment, things were overly expensive. It was way too much. I was running out of cash and mother kept calling. At some point, she said, “call your uncle and tell him to send you money”, I said, “NO! The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Mother even sent recharge card for this very purpose of calling my uncle for money but I insisted I was going to trust God. Why? Was that pride, no! The just shall live by his own faith. If your faith cannot produce small things, how much more bigger projects.
I kept on meditating Psalm 23:1. I have experienced the divine provision of God in crazy dimensions, (if The Lord permit, will share some later), this won’t be an exception. The just has to first live by faith, before he preaches it. Few days later, alert started rolling in, from strange quarters. Some who had no idea I was in a fix but just decided to be a blessing. From 5K, to 8k, then 20k, 30k. 3000 naira eventually became 58,000. Yeah, only God could have done that! Just in one week and few days.
I never had to do any special prayer of asking God for money. I only trusted in His providing ability and I kept on meditating Psalm 23:1- The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. I had this understanding that God is my Father, and He won’t leave his daughter stranded in Edo State. You must learn to rejoice in the fatherhood of God.
Knowing Him as my father alone gives me rest. He taught me to rest and rejoice in His Fatherhood always. If our earthly fathers won’t give us snake when we ask for bread, how much more our heavenly Father. He never denies His child as long as it is His will.
The Just shall live by His own faith. When was the last time you exercised your faith? Are you always looking for alternatives? Ar you in a fix? Trust God, rest in His word. Meditate it. (To meditate it means to mutter as though mad). The more you meditate a scripture, the more it becomes real to your spirit, soul and body. It strengthens your faith. Meditating Psalm 23:1 magnified the providing power of God to me, it magnified His fatherhood and strong shepherd skills. My testimony is to help you believe. I can share on the providing ability of God from the scriptures but it makes more sense if I tell you how I have applied it.
Joshua 1: 8: This Book of the Law SHALL NOT DEPART FROM YOUR MOUTH, BUT YOU SHALL MEDITATE IN IT DAY AND NIGHT, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. FOR THEN, YOU WILL MAKE YOUR WAY PROSPEROUS and then you will have good success.
It is clear, YOU not God, will make your way prosperous. How? through meditation. It is good to study, it is much better to meditate what you have studied. Your meditation eventually become your confession.
2 Corinthians 9:8: And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that YOU, ALWAYS HAVING ALL SUFFICIENCY IN ALL THINGS, have an abundance for every good work.
Learn to put pressure on the Word, not on people. The Word of God always produce, it will eventually move people in your direction.
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