The three weeks experience was really fun, from the morning drills to the clinic activities, bonding with new folks from colleagues to patients and camp officials. Most people who studied in Nigeria and are reading this post have probably had the same experience while some are yet to.
We had several rules to keep, most of which were not convenient.
One of the things that made me bleed the most was the sudden change of identity of many within these three weeks. Many saw camp as an escape route from home, many broke up good relationships for seemingly good guys and ladies they just met in one week! A guy even proposed marriage to a lady in the last week, yeah, it was full of many surprises. Married folks removed their rings, so they could attract ‘new blood’ although some were still faithful to their vows.
Location should not define you as a christian, you ought to give definition to every location. Your identity should be constant regardless of “wherever”. Paul and Silas prayed and sang in the prison, it is difficult to remember a song in chains because the circumstance naturally would bring more sadness than joy but they did not let that redefine them, they prayed and sang showing it was an habit. They only changed location, they did not change identity.
Most times, I slept late because of the late night gists flowing in from every corner of the room, most of which were vain and empty. May the Lord deliver women! We slept very late and woke up very early because you would have to queue for water, to bath and so on. What struck me most was what took the attention of most women. The rush to meet up with the morning drill was centred around looking good and not seeking God. Most people got up early not to seek God, but to get their make up on. Thank God for the few that did. It’s good to look your best but fashion must not take the attention of God in your life.
1 Timothy 2:8-10 (MSG): Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray – not shaking angry fists at enemy but raising holy hands to God. AND I WANT WOMEN TO GET IN THERE WITH THE MEN IN HUMILITY BEFORE GOD, NOT PRIMPING BEFORE A MIRROR OR CHASING THE LATEST FASHIONS BUT DOING SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL FOR GOD AND BECOME BEAUTIFUL DOING IT.
The real beauty flows from within. Whatever has your attention has your life. Is it fashion or God?
There was a topic that was much emphasized in our early christian walk, “Quiet time”. Quiet time will never be out of vogue, it is the only vogue. Many women like to wear what is in vogue, look their best on the outside but not furnished within. You may be in a relationship with God and not in fellowship with Him. Fellowship is a living relationship, cultivated through active communication with the father. Read my post on “quiet time” through this link. QUIET TIME
Psalm 45:13: The King’s daughter is ALL GLORIOUS WITHIN, her clothing is of wrought gold.
The king’s daughter is symbolic of God’s child in the above scripture. As emphasis was laid on what she wore on the outside (who does not like gold?) much more emphasis was placed on how she looked within. As Christians, we live from inside out. We must pay careful attention to how we look within first, this is the order God require from us.
Watch out for my next post in this series. I will be sharing one of the mistakes I made and lessons learnt from it.