

DSC_0281_edit_edit-1This is the continuation of my last post, titled REJOICE! Read at https://completewoman1.wordpress.com/2017/06/05/rejoice/

Isaiah 12:3- “Therefore with joy shall ye draw out of the wells of salvation.”

This part of scripture (Is 12:3) got me thinking for a while. What’s the ‘well of salvation?’ It appeared metaphorical to me until the Holy Spirit gave me clearer insight. Salvation is from the Greek word, ‘soteria’. It means deliverance, victory, health, prosperity, welfare. Salvation is a whole package (complete, lacking nothing), it came with everything you will need in your Christian walk. So, salvation is a well we draw from; but the real drawer or fetcher is JOY! I don’t need prosperity, I already have it. It came with salvation. I automatically received it when I believed and confessed Jesus as my Lord and saviour. The question now is, how do I draw from the well of salvation? The answer simply is by using JOY as a tool to help draw from the well of salvation!!!

I remembered a time my team and I were preparing for a programme and quite a sum of money was needed to implement the programme. Naturally, I don’t levy or cajole people to give, I believe people give as they are led. We had all contributed financially toward the programme to the best of our abilities and it was less than 24hours to the meeting yet, we still had so much to pay for. I became worried. I had prayed and confessed the scriptures I knew, then suddenly, I heard that sweet gentle voice of the Holy Ghost saying, ‘REJOICE!’. I immediately stood from my bed, started dancing and singing a song by Travis Greene named ‘you made a way’. While I was done with the praises, I went about my normal activities but needs kept on arising but my response at each occasion was ‘don’t worry, it will be done’.

All of a sudden, within an hour, someone came and asked what was still left undone. So I named the things yet to be done and he then said, “please let me cover all this”. That same night, I got an alert that was more than sufficient to foot the rest of the bills. It was indeed a miracle. This is one out of several other testimonies of divine provision I have enjoyed. I have never been under pressure to carry out God’s assignment. The Lord always provides! People ask how I fund major programmes without sending out letter for sponsorship or cajoling people to give and I tell them it has all been God. I don’t manipulate men; God sends and use men for His cause. If I have to consider my account status to impact lives, I will never step out.  If the Lord permits, I will share more testimonies later.

I have learnt that worrying never meets anyone’s need. Everything you need has been made available in Christ; you only need to learn how to release and enjoy these things. This is why Philemon 1:6 says ‘that the communication of thy Faith may become effectual by THE ACKNOWLEDGING OF EVERY GOOD THING  WHICH IS IN YOU IN CHRIST JESUS.

You see, every good thing is in you, all you need to draw it out is by acknowledging it. Joy is the best way to acknowledge. Joy is a demonstration of your faith in what God has made available already. let us examine Abraham in Romans 4:17- 21, “ As it is written, I HAVE MADE THEE A FATHER OF MANY NATIONS before Him whom he believed, even God who quickeneth the dead and calls those things which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope that HE MIGHT BECOME THE FATHER OF MANY NATIONS; according to that which was spoken, so shall they seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body dead…………he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith, GIVING GLORY TO GOD.”

Here, God HAD MADE ABRAHAM the Father of many nation (this is Grace), but Abraham believed in hope THAT HE MIGHT BECOME WHAT GOD HAD MADE HIM (this is faith). Grace makes available, faith takes what has been made available. But Joy is a faith ‘strengthener’. Joy energizes your faith, it speeds up the process. It activates what Grace has made available. I learnt this key a long time ago and since then I use it always, not just to get something from God but to rejoice in all He has done and made available. Joy helps you draw all that has been made available in the well of salvation.



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