about complete woman


Thank God for Abraham who walked by faith, We bless God for Sarah who judged God faithful. We are grateful for David that was a man after God’ s heart, we cannot but be thankful for Moses who saw the burning bush,parted the red Sea.Thank you Lord for Gideon, Samson,Elijah, Elisha,that raised many from the dead.Oh! the wisdom and wealth of Solomon cannot be underestimated.

I am grateful for all of the icons of faith but much more for not being born in those generations. Because God had something better in mind.
Heb 11:39-40- And all these having obtained a good testimony through faith, DID NOT RECEIVE THE PROMISE, GOD HAVING PROVIDED SOMETHING BETTER FOR US,that they should not be made perfect APART FROM US.

God had a generation in mind, a dispensation where men will be purchased by the blood of Jesus, a generation where slaves will be adopted as sons, sons who would be priviledged to have the Spirit upon and within, a generation that would Call God,Father, such that would be overwhelmed by His love and say ABBA FATHER, and generation that would become heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, that would partake of the Inheritance of the saints, a generation that was far off but would be reconciled back and given a sit at the right hand of the Father, having authority over all principalities and power.
A generation that won’t need the blood of bulls and goats but have access to the eternally efficacious blood of Christ.
A generation that need not be justified by works but by fait,where righteousness is not worked for but submitted to,where Forgiveness is not based on what we do but what Christ has done, a generation where acceptance is not determined by your works but by His works.
The New man in Christ is more blessed than he thinks.

We are that generation, chosen,foredained and predestined by God to enjoy the fullness of Grace without works! I am exceedingly grateful fo being part of this dispensation. WE ARE THE CHOSEN GENERATION !
#weareTheChosenGeneration #Foredained #Predestined #TheGodSeekers #LightforImpact #TheCompleteWOMAN

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